Thursday, February 6Human Rights Support Org. Corp., A Project for the People by the People.


Editorial: Corona Virus in Iran: Fact Sheet 02 – 2020/03/08

Editorial: Corona Virus in Iran: Fact Sheet 02 – 2020/03/08

Fact Sheet No 2 – March 08, 2020 Corona Virus (COVID-19) in Iran Collected From Various Public and Non-public Sources   1) Corona has spread to all provinces, most cities and many villages. It is estimated that more than 70% of the country is affected by corona. Internal and confidential government reports show that the number of people affected by the disease so far has reached to more than 211,000 and that the death toll has surpassed 6,800 people. The official public reports given by the government, however, are nearly one twentieth of the above numbers. Estimates by health care professionals are far more than even the afore-mentioned government’s confidential reports.   2) In their calculations, the Ministry of Health includes only those who have been tested pos
Editorial: Corona Virus in Iran: Fact Sheet 01 – 2020/03/01

Editorial: Corona Virus in Iran: Fact Sheet 01 – 2020/03/01

Factsheet: Corona virus (COVID19) in Iran March 01, 2020 1) According to the reports delivered from inside the government sources, the registered number of people infected with the virus has risen from about 23,000 to at least 158,421 during the past week. Absent a reliable management system overseeing the soon-to-be pandemic disease in Iran, the estimation of the people who have contracted the disease in Iran, rendered in unofficial reports by prominent hospitals and physicians, is a number between 300,000 to 400,000 infected cases so far, and it is counting. 2) The reports show that the highest levels of the virus is spread among families, as it has easily spread from one family member to another. Self-medication, lack of people’s awareness, government ineptness, and religious fan
Editorial 2018/07/15: A Succinct Note on Iran Today

Editorial 2018/07/15: A Succinct Note on Iran Today

Editorial 2018-07-15 Human Rights Support Org. Corp. Iran is on the verge of an economic and social collapse. New sanctions are potentially capable of overturning Iran's economy over a relatively short period of time; however, should civil resistance and people's campaign against the regime not be able to keep pace with the unfolding developments, it will be unclear whether the new situation would lead to the collapse of the Islamic regime of Iran. Even if it leads to the overthrow of the regime, it is unclear what might happen next. Will we face a failed and disrupted state or will a secular democratic system form and come to power? Iran and its regime are grappling with the following five big ruptures and rifts: (a) Socio-economic diver...
Editorial 2018/10/11: Satellite Jamming and Censorship

Editorial 2018/10/11: Satellite Jamming and Censorship

  Editorial 2018-10-11 Human Rights Support Org. Corp. Human Rights Abuses in Iran: Satellite Signal Jamming and Censorship Iran has been in violation of a huge number of its international obligations. Extensive and systematic human rights abuse and brutal crackdown of its dissidents is an example of such violations of international rules. There are a number of official and unofficial groups and individuals who follow and monitor human rights abuses in Iran. Due to the gravity of such abuses in Iran in terms of both frequency and nature, which is gradually marching towards destabilizing that country which in turn would inevitably spill out of its borders and threaten the regional and international peace and security, the internationa...
Editorial 2018/10/10: Who is Khamenei’s Dispenser? A quick look at the upcoming reinstatement of US sanctions

Editorial 2018/10/10: Who is Khamenei’s Dispenser? A quick look at the upcoming reinstatement of US sanctions

Editorial (Op-ed) 2018-10-10 Human Rights Support Org. Corp. Translated from Persian into English by HRS Org Corp The original is found on the Iranian Lawyers weblog at:    Who is Khamenei’s Dispenser? A quick look at the upcoming reinstatement of US sanctions Iranian Lawyers Association (ILA) 2018-05-10 Following Mr. Trump’s announcement on May 8, 2018, of the US exit from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, aka Iran nuclear deal), the US OFAC issued a statement and a Wind-down FAQ portraying the upcoming reinstatement of certain US sanctions. These documents are merely expository and general, and hence lack legal effects or legal details; however, they are important because they delineat
Editorial 2018/10/09: A Request from Labor Unions and ILO to Support the Iranian Workers

Editorial 2018/10/09: A Request from Labor Unions and ILO to Support the Iranian Workers

Editorial 2018-10-09 Human Rights Support Org. Corp. A letter to Labor Unions and ILO By the Iranian Lawyers Association (ILA)   Sub: Labor Unions and ILO Support for the Iranian People Attn: Labor Unions around the world Greetings, The Iranian government cracks down pervasively and systematically the slightest protest by workers through beating, arresting, and even executing them. These workers merely ask for their long due wages and their other legitimate demands. Truck drivers, for instance, have begun a nationwide strike to protest high costs of their vehicles maintenance and repairs, low wages. Workers of hundreds of small and medium size businesses are protesting or are on strike for similar complaints. The governmen...